put your hurt on me - p savina
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This thread is emo-tastic.

Savina had missed the thing that was perhaps bothering Geneva the most. The emotional part of this. The sable wolfess was a creature of emotions. They dictated most of the things that she did. That wasn't to say that she didn't have her logic, but she did feel things out more than she thought them out. Her heart was perpetually on her sleeve. Whether that was good or bad was arguable, but it was simply the way she had always been. She couldn't think of herself living any other way.

"I've betrayed their trust too. All of their trust." Naniko had trusted her to help her lead. To help keep the pack safe and secure. Yet her foolish loss of control could have potentially put them all in danger. She wondered if Nani had made a choice with Kansas. Or if he had. The question that Conri had asked her came to her mind. Can alcohol really make you do things if you don't want to? Or do they just give you the guts to do things you've always wanted to? She didn't have the answer to that. She doubted she would find much comfort in it either. "Emotions...are hard to control sometimes." Obviously. "But...we'll find our way through all this. Somehow." She felt bad that she didn't have any more to offer as far as advice.

Her head lifted at the mention of the name Jordan. The Lt. General knew that Stockholm had been pregnant before she came here and lost the litter. But there had never been any mention of a mate or a love of any kind. "Jordan? Was he..." Her voice drifted off. Now probably wasn't the best time to reopen old wounds.


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