put your hurt on me - p savina
She nodded and felt very vulnerable. But now was not the time to hide away, now was the time to do that. She had opened the floodgates, and she would see the rest of the way through. She was helpless to stopping it really. She trusted Savina and that was all it took. She didn't exactly feel very stable, but she felt safe.

"Jordan," she said, a mixture of love so deep, and guilt so acrid in her voice. "My mate." And she had betrayed him in every way. She had watched him waste away from disease. Although she did not smell very well, she could clearly recall the scent of his sickness, sweet and strange and so wrong. It had clung to his skin, so that she could no longer separate his scent from that of his illness. "He was so sick, right before he died. He told me he wanted me to be happy and to find someone else to be with, that I shouldn't be alone." Her tone now was no longer lost, but filled with such disgust. "And I - I told him I never would, that I would never feel even a shadow of what I had felt for him. I promised, on his deathbed."

She buried her face in Savina's neck, too ashamed to look her in the face. But she didn't want to run. She felt so alone in that moment, she couldn't bear to lose this connection with Savina. "I lied."


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