put your hurt on me - p savina
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The Italian girl's heart bled for her friend right now. She had never seen such hurt in the paler wolfess, not even at the borders when she joined. Knowing how much it scared her to be without Kansas made her able to at least fathom how deeply Geneva felt the loss. It sounded as if this hadn't happen all that long ago, so she was greatly impressed in her ability to at least move on and keep herself somewhat well maintained. Savina wouldn't trust herself to be able to do that in such a position.

Ears folded back against her head as her packmate relayed the sad tale. As the smaller femme buried her face into her neck she didn't make any move to recoil. She tried to moved herself closer, to give her more physical comfort. One paw moved, with a wince, to lay over Stockholm's, and her tail gently brushed against her backside. "Geneva I...I'm so sorry. I can't even imagine..." Tenderly she licked the top of her friend's head. "But...he said that he didn't want you to be alone. I know you promised him that, because I'm sure at the time you couldn't imagine ever feeling that way for anyone else."

"But you can't control your emotions completely. I never thought I would have a mate. After what my father did to my mother. I never thought that I would be able to trust a male with my heart." She didn't need to go into the details about meeting Kansas. It was obvious they were together now and that she had managed to get over that fear. "I don't think you lied. You meant it at the time. I'm certain he'd still want you to be able to find someone else eventually." Would any of this help her? She sincerely hoped so.


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