drag me down
A sickening happy hum seemed to draw from her throat as the Sadira woman picked the runt up and slowly made her way to the lake's edge. Her emerald eyes were dancing darkly as she thought of all the little things that could happen to the poor welp she was about to subject to a test of her own. She had never actually seen how ice could hold up a creature and she didn't want to be the one to test the theory but the stupid child from Crimson Dreams seemed like the perfect little item. Her ears perked forward as the edge of the lakeshore came into sight. A small shiver of excitement ran down her spine as she chuckled darkly to herself between the fur of the puppy's scruff in her teeth. Just a few more steps and she was at the edge of the cold hard ground.

The cold hard ice that met her paws was a reminded of the choice she could make. She stood there with the wind buffering the child for a few moments as a twisted little smile just spread across her maw. There wasn't any choice to make in her mind anymore, Haku had seen to that long ago, though only shortly had this been discovered. Narrowing her eyes at the thought Firefly dropped her head down close to the ground and with a quick thrust she send the small body sprawling across the slick ice and out into deeper waters. Sitting back on her haunches she smirked at the child, "Now be a good polly-wog and sink or swim!" The bronze and gold woman didn't even stay long enough to see if the ice would crack and the child wound go crashing into the ice cold water. She really didn't care, there was just a feeling of satisfaction deep inside for what was left, she only hoped that the runt wouldn't life and someone's life would be devistated by the small loss.

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