fake plastic trees
http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g210/ ... able-1.png);background-position:bottom;background-repeat:no-repeat;">

She didn't know what to do with herself in these new lands. The one thing that this place had in common with her last home was the snow, but she had been told that in a few months even that would be gone. By then she would hopefully have explored the lands a bit more; maybe she would find someone who had once lived in the same place she had. But what if it did get really warm? She had never been anything but cold. Her mother hadn't ever built a fire--the only real warmth she'd found had been from the bits of meat that her mother had provided.

A sudden burst of sound made her jump, claws scrabbling on the ice. She hadn't even heard what had been said, being too preoccupied with the volume, and she looked frantically about. What had made that noise?! Siobhan looked a little harder, making out the form just inside one of the nearby caves. Gabriel! And it looked like he wanted her to come inside the cave, too--he was shouting something else, now.

She was able to enter the cave without having to duck much, and stood just inside at an area where the rain couldn't get at her. "Gabriel was calling to Siobhan? He wanted to see her?" He had a kill in front of him, something that he'd caught. How did one catch something as big as that? Thinking that over, she put her hands up to her mouth, breathing onto them to try and heat them up. "Gabriel has seen Ezekiel today?" She always wanted to know where Ezekiel was at.

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