Hey! Mr. [Piano] Man, play a song for me

we prey as wolves among the sheep
and slit the necks of soldiers while they sleep

"Oh wow, I never would have guessed," he told her, finding it interesting that a whole pack of Luperci would live as if they were not. He didn’t know any different than the life that he lead now; he tried picturing remaining in his Lupus form and never shifting or experimenting with things such as playing the piano. How strange that kind of life would be.

He studied the words once more as Savina’s slender finger moved across the page. He nodded, listening to what she was saying. He tried to imagine it, and for a moment, he thought he could hear it. Words moving along to the rhythm of music. Except there would be no accompaniment. The words themselves would create the music. "I’ll have to ask Kansas to read some for me," he said, though mostly to himself. "I’m interested to hear what it sounds like." He studied the poem, chuckling to himself. Some of them couldn’t possibly be words.


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