Who's this queen of stranger places

http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c13/v ... ablebg.jpg);background-repeat:no-repeat;background-position:top;">
Mew Sadira

Word count: 431

The girl continued her modest behavior as she stepped through the door speaking a quiet thanks, but at least showing that she was not directly uncomfortable in the situation. Mew was glad, especially seeing as she was feeling rather nervous herself. She did not socialize much with strangers, but this one had spurred her interest enough to go against her normal ways. And it wasn't exactly nervousness either, it was more of a feeling of how this was not natural to her. She did not seek people, people sought her. And when people did seek her it wasn't normally for social activities; it was with a purpose. Mew had very few friends, and was quite the loner really, and an awkward feeling about it all settled within her mind. After the strangely furred girl entered the room, Mew quickly turned around, closing the door behind her as to not let all of the heat out. It wasn't the fact that it was so cold outside that had made her prefer being inside with a fireplace, but it was the atmosphere and the fireplace itself that made her want to stay inside.

When her light head had turned back again to face the room they were in, Cwmfen had moved over to the piano - black fingers very barely touching some of the keys. It was a strange object, Mew'd agree, and it'd taken her a lot of effort to understand that too, just like the music machine in the library. But this one did not need electricity, just friendly care and steady use. And it was easy enough to grasp the concept of how it worked, just different from the guitar. Smiling, Mew strode over to the large instrument (it was probably more of a musical furniture, really), quickly bending to open up the top of the piano chair which held all the sheet music. It's a piano! Enthusiasm rose in her and she could not stop herself. It's for playing music! Sheets of paper with dots on lines were drawn out of the chair and put onto the little shelve suited for them above the keys on the instrument, and after putting them there Mew quickly decided to perhaps calm down a little. Resting her hands on her hips, she stood back a second, so she wouldn't scare the crap out of the not-so-familiar pack member. Green eyes were eagerly awating a response, and deciding where to focus her gaze in those strange white orbs came much easier this time. It was just a thing to get used to, probably.


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