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Mew Sadira

Fighting a giggle, Mew could not help herself. The wording, so incredibly fitting. Oh the amount of smart answers she could come up with right now, but the secret was still not hers to share. What did he get this time? oh, just a little litter. A few hairy lumps of offspring. Not a big deal, I'm sure you wouldn't mind, Firefly. Not at all. Attempting to calm herself, Mew stilled the slow movement of her tail and let the smirk disappear from her mouth. Despite how much she didn't like Firefly, there was still loyalty. Oh, had it just been anyone else than her brother and she would have burst already, so eager to see pain on the face of her cousin. She was sinking low now, but she liked it there sometimes, so it didn't really matter, did it. Thank you Firefly, I am perfectly aware of my brother's capability to serve himself. Runs in the family, don't it? Green eyes stared pointedly at the warmer colored cousin. Firefly was just like that herself, so she would know. Hardly anyone in the Sadira bloodline was not, but still. You will have to ask him yourself, what he's getting. Standing fast, she could nearly touch the hate and anger between them both, but Mew was not frightened despite knowing what Firefly had been up to before. The white one could be quite vicious herself, despite her lithe frame...

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