I recall the push more than the fall
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Her feelings about the coyote clan were so mixed up and confused. She knew Anselm, and Ryan. Both were perfectly nice, good people. She couldn't imagine Ryan hurting a fly. But then there seemed to be so much corruption and evil that spread out from them as well. The skulls on the pikes marking their border, this Hybrid, and apparently what had happened to this male's friend. Her heart wrenched at that thought. It was awful enough to lose a litter, but to have it happen in such a way must have been a hundred times worse. It seemed that many of the wolves around here who had such hatred towards coyotes were at least partially justified.

As she had explained what had happened, the male had moved closer to her, watching her intently. At first it was a little disconcerting, but that feeling was quickly washed away as he spoke. Her ears pricked up and she looked at him, jeweled orbs filled with hope. "R-Really? Y-You can?" It was a surprise, but an incredibly pleasant one. Geneva had offered to help her as well, but she hadn't been certain on the methods. But it sounded like he was. Her's was not a voice per se, only this wildly uncontrollable force that she could feel deep within her. However, there was no denying the similarity in their two conditions.

Savina's head nodded at his words. When it had happened this last time she had not remembered anything. And she had never felt any pain. It was only after she came back to her senses that the sting from the wounds ever registered. She moved her paw to rest it lightly on his. She understood his regret and pain perhaps better than anyone else could, for she felt it the same. "And I never want to cause this kind of hurt to my friends and loved ones again," she stated. There was little doubt in her mind that he would help her, but still, she felt the need to say it. "Please. Please help me."


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