the ice kept getting thinner under you, under me

She didn't look up from her bowl. Naniko couldn't know how much Savina wanted her approval--why did it matter if the leader thought that she and Kansas were a good match, anyway?--or how much it meant to her. But she could have guessed. It felt like she and the dark wolf had been at odds for so long...maybe she wasn't used to the feeling of friendship. So unused to it that she didn't even realize that she was hurting her with her lack of reaction.

She definitely didn't expect to see tears when she did look up, though. What was wrong with Savina? Wasn't she happy that she was mates with Kansas? It was what she'd wanted, apparently. "What the heck is wrong with you? You've been acting really something up?" Of course, she would put this on Savina. Not on herself....never on herself. Naniko had nothing wrong with her. She was happy for her friend and brother and for whatever little family they would bring into the world. She was fine with it!


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