Haunt Me Every Day
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The Aatte boy continued to cry and whimper. Big hot tears streamed down his face. He was a good boy. His mommas always said that he was a good boy. He was never mean to anyone! Sometimes to Brooklyn, but that was only when she was being mean to Mati. Mati didn't know how to stand up against their sister, so he protected her. Just like he had helped her when they went out into the woods together. Bullys didn't do that sort of thing. If anyone around here was a bully it was Brooklyn, not him! He hadn't done anything wrong, he was just trying to be nice.

Haven's eyes had been clamped tightly shut, that was until he started hearing other whimpers that didn't belong to him. Watery eyes opened to look at the girl who had called him a bully. She was crying! Why was she crying? He didn't understand. None of this situation was making any sense to him. He sniffled, trying to calm himself down. "Why...why's you crying?" he asked in between sobs.


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