Leave Out All the Rest (AW)

"Got ya!" Jazper chuckled as he held his now dead prey. He had decided it was long since time he tried hunting in his two legged form. Waking up early that moring he had made Garnet breakfest in bed and then started to get pumped up for the hunt. Sharpening his hunting knife, putting on his knife belt for easy carrying and putting on his hooded cloak he had made from a dead bears deep brown fur. The cloak helped him blend into the trees around the forest and hide his scent. Now, he tossed the white bloody hare over a shoulder and started off to get back to the mansion. As he drew closer he lowered his hood and placed his red stained into his belt. Suddenly, a sandy colored pup appeared befor him washing his paws franticly in a puddle. Shruging off the strange sight he walked up to the boy and crouched down pulling out his knife and cleaning the blood off in the water. "You lost son?"


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