Haunt Me Every Day
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After a few more sniffles and a couple more sobs, the tears seemed to stop flooding out of his eyes. She was sorry. She had apologized. And now he felt bad for the fact that she was crying. He still wasn't sure why she was, but he knew that he wanted to comfort her. It seemed like this Siobhan was just lost and scared or something. He wondered if she had lost her parents. "Tank yous for apologizing. I forgives you."

Carefully the boy rose back to his feet. Tentatively he took a few steps towards her. He wanted to go lay by her and let her know that it was going to be okay. That if she needed a place to stay she could come back to the house with him where it was warm. But he didn't want to scare her. "Can I's...come sit by you?" Since she was so upset he thought he should probably ask first instead of just doing it like he normally might have.


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