the ice kept getting thinner under you, under me

"You're just getting emotional over nothing, Savina." She said back. "Kansas is my brother...and you're my best friend. Of course I'm happy for you." Her tone of voice said otherwise. She didn't enjoy things like this, foolish arguments over nothing. That's what he was to her now--nothing. So what if she had named their children in her head before the misscarriage? Imagined leaving Conri? It didn't mean anything. Back then she had thought about getting rid of their pups herself, so that no one would ever know about she and the Sadira's night, but she'd been unable to. They were her babies.

"I...I don't know. Not everything comes easy." She continued. "I want to be happy for you. But it's not easy to be. Kansas and I grew up together. We spent a lot of time together." She hadn't meant to admit that, even, but as she did more began to spill out. "I don't want to let him go. And I know how busy having these pups made me...and you're my friend. I don't want you to get busy, too, and forget about me. So if you wanted the truth, there it is. You can be pissed off about it, or sad...or whatever. But it's how I feel."


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