the ice kept getting thinner under you, under me
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This wasn't nothing. She knew it, and she could tell that Naniko did as well. Why she wouldn't admit it, she wasn't sure. Her eyes were still hidden behind her hand as more and more kept spilling from her friend's mouth. Brows knitted together. What was she saying? Was...she...did she have feelings for Kansas? More than just the love between a brother and sister? But, no, that couldn't be right. She had been with Conri, and now Anu. Savina had no idea that the pups her friend has miscarried had been her mate's. She didn't even know that Kansas had wanted to be with Nani. Only that the two of them had in fact slept together. The Commander didn't know that she knew, though. A very strange feeling began to well up in her gut.

But soon those thoughts were paused by something else she said. Forget about her? She really thought that that could happen? "F-Forget about you?" Her hand left her eyes. "You really think I could forget about you? Naniko...if it weren't for you, I wouldn't have anything. I was completely alone. And you took me in. I never thought I was worth anything before that. You made me feel like I belonged. I could never forget you and all that you've given me." Did she really not realize how much she meant to her? Everything she did in this pack was to keep Naniko and the pups happy and healthy. "And he hasn't forgotten about you either. You mean a lot to him as well. I know you do." Saying that made that strange feeling come back, but maybe that was just what Naniko needed to hear.


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