the ice kept getting thinner under you, under me
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Lol, yeah! XD

Maybe at the first sign of trouble she shouldn't have backed away from the subject. It had all just been so new to her, feeling that way towards another. It had been really unexpected and she hadn't wanted to risk losing it before it even started. But while things had blossomed between her and Kansas, things with Naniko had diminished. Savina had never wanted that. The two of them were the most important people in the world to her aside from her brother, and she would do anything for them. Feeling that distance between her leader and herself had torn the wolfess apart.

But things started to be mending. Maybe everything wasn't fine, but at least it was something. She looked at her friend and saw the nervousness that she had exhibited only moments before. Naniko needed her comfort just as much as she had needed her's. She stepped forward, closing the distance between them. Savina wrapped her arms around her friend, pulling her into a hug. "I think so too." She had thought of Naniko as a sister for a long time. "Let's never let anything pull us apart again. I hated feeling like I couldn't come to you. You mean so much to me, I just want everything to be okay."


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