let me down

The bushy tail of her brother was before her, swaying back and forth as he walked. Ade was content to let him lead the way, the idea of joining Dahlia de Mai had been his idea after all. After Sankor had let her burn off her negative emotions (in the form of an angry outburst) he had quietly suggested that if they were to wait on Lexey, which they were and they both knew this, it made the most sense to wait where she was most likely to return. This suggest, of course, had been met with resistance, but Adelaida was too tired from her previous attack on her brother to argue for long. Sankor won in the end, and Adelaida, begrudged, agreed to follow him. Ade saw the logic in his plan, but she still did not really want to integrate herself in the pack that she blamed for taking Alexey in the first place. The place which was full of shifters.

Sankor had been waiting for her for a while now, and Adelaida came up behind him, taking a seat not too close. Letting out an exaggerated sigh, Adelaida turned her face from her brother, instead staring down at the markings on her legs, long chocolate boots that came up to her knees, the color of her fur matching the mask that covered her face. Adelaida had been born with the coat of a bandit, Sankor’s markings similar. Perhaps Alexey would not return to her two thieves, and then they would be in Dahlia de Mai waiting, waiting, waiting, for a long time.

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