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[html]Chocolate brown eyes surveyed the white wintery land as he romped around in circles. It was a peculiar thing to do, but there was a method to Simon's madness. He had spent much of the morning and day pushing the fluffy and sometimes hardened snow together at the middle, digging a circular track around it. He stood back to look at his work. He had erected a huge pile of snow. Nodding in approval, he began to dig and burrow into the pile.

He emerged sometime later with snow dusting his coat and a numb nose, but his tail wagged in victory. He had managed to dig a small in his snow structure. It just so happened to be big enough for to. He felt warmth rush to his face when he noticed that. The lopsided, tall pile of snow was supposed to be a private castle for Mati. He had thought that the "moat" had been a stroke of genius.

Now, to find that princess! Simon put his nose to the ground and sneezed at the contact with the cold snow. He held his numb nose aloft. "Ah gess'es not a gud idea," he said to himself, sniffling. He cleared his throat and shook his head, trying out his voice again. "I is the Petty Officer of the Crimson Dreams Kingdom. I'm princess Mati's knight!" he roared in triumph, before taking off at a lope. He was lucky to spot big puppy footprints in the snow. Mati! His tail wagged wildly.

It didn't take long to locate the violet-eyed princess. He stopped just short of her, skittering a little bit to a halt as he tripped over his big feet. He just stood there and watched her for a moment, his tail growing sore from all the wagging it had done in the last few hours. He still couldn't believe his eyes every time he saw her. He had actually found a beautiful princess. And on top of that she was beautiful on the inside too. He opened his mouth and found he couldn't speak quite yet.

The young knight came up to stand next to her, mindful of giving her the proper space. "What's ya lookin' at, milady?"


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