Baby girl, I'm just a blur

Her stomach had finally settled, and she began to feel much more like herself. Keeping eyes away from the fish she focused on the wolf’s movements, and listened to the instructions. It was like magic, just as she said. A few clicks of the flint and the sparks flew fitting the dry tinder to make the flames.

Wow. Her voice was hushed, proclaiming the amazement to herself. Her tail wagged behind her, trying to stay calm enough that she didn’t annoy the older wolfess. She knew when she was being a nuisance, well sometimes she did. Keeping her distance, Mati crouched down to see how the sticks were aligned and how the fires fed from the bottom up.

Feeling reflective, Mati sat right beside her new friend taking in the warmth of the fire. Violet eyes looked at the onyx colored fey, her head cocked when she wasn’t able to put a name to her face. All this time and she never introduced herself.

Was your name?


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