and we'll always endeavor
Their usual game of chase was on, and as usual, Ehno was just behind his sister. She was always in the lead, being faster than he was, and the fact that she generally took off before him every time gave her even more of an advantage. It wasn't like Ehno minded, though; the little chase probably wouldn't seem quite as fun to him if he was the one being chased anyway. He continued at his sprinting pace behind his sister, watching as the castle before them grew larger and larger.

When the duo finally came to a halt before the giant steps of the mansion, Ehno gazed at it in wonder as he caught his breath. The building was huge, towering over the wolves with an eerie, abandoned silence. This was undboubtedly a man-made structure, and the Italian boy began to wonder why humans had been so keen on constructing so many massive buildings. Whatever the reason, it left the adventurous wolves of today something unusual to explore. Ehno felt the excitement contintue to build in his chest as he stared up at the enormous structure. He tore his gaze away from the building at his sister's words. "Of course," he said, and with a smile to match hers, he followed her up the stone staircase.

The pair made it to the top of the large staircase rather quickly, greeted by the sight of two large doors carved with intricate designs. One of the doors was slightly ajar, as if beckoning them to enter. "Someone left the door open for us." He grinned. "I hope they don't mind a little company." He nosed the doors even farther open, squinting into the darkness. He took a few steps into the building, glancing around some more. His eyes hadn't had the chance to fullly adjust to the darkness, and with the grey light from the cloudy skies behind him he could only make out a few musty rugs in front of him and a couple of dim shapes farther in. "Sure is dark in here." Captain Obvious, away!

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