and we'll always endeavor
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The doors that protected the entrance to this place were nothing like the ones at the mansion back home. They were huge, and had designs on them. There was no doubt about the feeling of grandeur about this building. Savina chuckled at her brother's words. It was impossible to keep his care-free spirit from infecting her (not that she would stop it, and not that it hadn't already). She followed him into the pitch blackness inside. It really was dark in there. "You're not kidding." She closed her eyes, hoping to help them adjust to the low light quicker.

As they opened back up it had helped a little. The wolfess walked to one of the near by rugs and put her nose against it to sniff. Instead of getting any discernible scent, she just inhaled a large amount of dust and must. Her head snot back and she issued a loud sneeze. It echoed off the stone walls, making her ears swivel every which way. Savina rubbed at her nose with one paw as she snorted in an attempt to get the rest of the dust out. "Well, I wouldn't suggest doing that." She laughed.

The way that this place echoed reminded her again of a large cave. There was no echo in the manor. Maybe it had something to do with stone. As she peered ahead a slight glint caught her eye. The girl trotted forward to inspect it closer. It was tall. If she had been in her shifted form, it wouldn't have looked so, but being in her natural form it sure did. The shape of it resembled a luperci in some ways, but there were some key anatomical differences. A paw reached out to scratch at it and she discovered it was made of metal. Then something clicked in her head. A zealous look entered her eyes as she turned to her brother. "Ehno! I think I know what this place is! I think it's a castle!" Most of their old stories had been of Rome, but there had been one or two about kings and queens. Brave knights rescuing fair damsels. And they had all lived in castles.


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