Said I'm sorry momma
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Hey, so sorry for the wait, Christmas and New year has been crazy (so much family kept appearing to spend time with us) and the laptop has been playing up again.

pushitinSoran felt warm salty tears begin to trickle down her cheeks as she held her red boy. The small rivers of tears wet her dark fur as she looked at her boy, so broken, such a shadow of what he had been, for this she would always blame Hollow, for although he had given her the joy of having her eldest son, he had been cruel, he had taken him and he had spawned that psychotic child that had taken Conri and tortured him, surely that had had some effect on her boy's behaviour. Yes, Conri's father had a lot to answer for, more than a lot, had he not already had karma take its revenge upon him, taking his life from him, the ebony lady was sure that she would have hunted him down and killed him after seeing her boy this way, so broken. Her shoulders shook slightly as she cried, silent sobs, for what Conri had lost, for what she had lost, for what the world had done to them in it's cruel twisted way. She wished that she could bundle her son up in her arms and take him away from all of this, take him to a safe place where he would never be hurt again, she wished that she could turn back the clock and take back all of her leaving, so much would not have happened had she been here, she would have been able to fight off Stygian, she would have been here to stop Conri raping Nani, but she wasn't there... and there was nothing she could do that would ever change that. The thought made the ebony grandmother cry even harder.

pushitinAnd then Conri did something that she had never expected, not from him, not even after all that he had been through, he rolled the baseball bat toward her and asked her to kill him. The ebony fae's heart broke at that moment, realising that her son had been reduced to what she had been when she had been pregnant with him, a suicidal wreck, for that was what she had been, she had injected and drunk everything she could in order to forget everything, the pain, the sorrow and the guilt, she had waited for the darkness to engulf her, she had awaited that blissful day when she slipped beneath the veil of consiousness for the last time, ebbing away from life. It killed her to know that Conri was having similar thoughts to her, that he actually wanted to end it all. Part of the lady was so pained that her son, her baby had been reduced to this, just a shell of himself, waiting for someone to come along and end all of the pain, but part of her was angry, surely he knew that there were better ways than this? Surely he knew better than to just give up? After all she had not, and despite all the pain living had caused her, it had also brought her immense joy, it had brought her three children, two of whom she was proud of and loved desperately, the third she was unsure of, and it had brought her grandchildren, who were little specks of wonder in the dark pit that was life. How could her son ask her to do that? How could he expect her to end all of what he was? To just let go of her eldest son, her darling boy?

pushitinWith shaking hands the lady reached for the baseball bat that lay across her son's lap, her fingers closed around the cool smooth wood and her eyes darkened. With the slow deathly movements of an executioner she stood, lifting the baseball bat onto her shoulder. She stooped slightly, her dark lips planting a tender kiss upon her son's forehead and then she straightened up, and tensed her muscles, raising the baseball bat, the weapon of death, high over her shoulder. She swung it deliberately and quickly, instead of aiming for her red boy she swung it high, letting it go at the apex of it's swing, the wooden bat flew from her hands and through the air, flying through the trees. Soran took a deep breath and turned back to her son.
"How?! How could you ask me to do that Conri?”


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