I recall the push more than the fall

OOC: Hell yes! Big Grin

Savina. She had a beautiful name, to suit her personality. He was not sure exactly what it meant and now was certainly not the time to ask, but he would remember it. One day, when she would be happy with herself, he might ask her. He could picture himself staying with her and talking. They could talk about everything and anything, because she understood him. She understood the base fear, the lurking monster he had to fight. She understood because she fought it too. So perhaps it came as no great surprise that she felt such great fear, that her voice trembled and shook. It made her more approachable. It meant he could reason with her. I promise you I will be fine. I have gone through this. A ritual of cleansing you might say. Trust me, Savina, you will be fine.

Lubomir moved a few steps back, carefully planting his paws in the ground. He would need to gauge her strength. His was not fully recovered, but it would do. Like she herself had pointed out, he could just run if things got ugly. But for now, he would have to tap into her anger. He needed to make her see him as the enemy. For whatever wrong had been inflicted on her, he needed to multiply it by a hundred. Not just focusing on the scene. As harsh as it will be, I need you to go back and relive it. Your friend's face. The injustice of the coyote. And I am the coyote. You want to hurt me. You want to punish me for hurting your friend. With each sentence, the male's voice grew deeper, stronger. Lubomir gave a little way to his own monster. He would need the strength and adrenaline to fight her, if she changed. He would shift. He would dodge. And by the gods, he would purge her conscience of her crimes.


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