and I hope you have more luck with this than me
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End after your next post? Seems like a good place to me.

Perhaps Soran was right. That night, he had asked her to kill him. Though admittedly at the time she had thought it was a trap. At the end of their encounter she almost had. His throat had been bare beneath her teeth. Thank the heavens she had come to her senses. The sable girl didn't think she could live with the knowledge that she had taken a life. Not even his. At least not in a situation such as that. Maybe if she had been fighting him, defending Nani, Kansas or the pups from him. Then maybe. But that had no been the situation and she hoped that such a situation would never arise. But Savina only nodded her head at the mother. Admitting her faults in a broad sense was one thing, but talking about attacking the woman's son was not something she could do.

Her lips formed a smile at Soran's response to her admission. For some reason she hadn't been as nervous admitting it to her as she was with some. Maybe it was because this was their first formal meeting, and she had few preconceived notions about her. The thing that usually scared her the most was losing worth in someone's mind. Maybe since she didn't hold a specific place in the Basic Officer's it didn't frighten her as much. "And I thank you. Not only for your help, but for your open mindedness. not something I readily admit most times. I don't wish for me to be thought in such a way, for that is not who I am." Her head nodded. "Yes, thank you. If I ever need to talk I will keep that in mind. It is very kind of you to offer." It might not have been the outcome she had at first expected or wanted, but that was fine. This compromise was probably in the best interest of all involved.

Savina stood up on the sofa and stretched out her limbs, mouth opening wide in a yawn. The wolfess jumped from the cushions and shook out her pelt, looking back at Soran. "Well, I suppose I should go see to the borders. I'm very glad that we had this talk. If you ever need anything just ask. I reside in one of the upstairs rooms."


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