let me down
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Bleh, I started school again today. Sorry for the suck, OnO

She knew he wanted to join. She knew that he would be useful. But she felt that one could not skip over such formalities, such rites of passage, however small and insignificant they may seem, simply because one knew the other. She was fervently loyal to the friends that she made, and she trusted them. But she did not trust or believe in them blindly. She knew of the treacheries that lay in the hearts of all creates—the treacheries that lay in her own heart, lurking there in the dark. She knew that she could keep that treacherous entity at bay, no matter how strong the temptation or urge. But she was not so sure of others. Trust was a dangerous thing, and survival bid her not trust too deeply. To not love too deeply. It was her own doing, but she had chosen to live this solitary path.

Cwmfen listened silently as Sankor replied. Despite the wrinkling of his nose at her, the black female remained impassive. She did not respond to his physical body language although she bristled inside; for now, he was not the male that he had met at the boarders once a time ago, but a stranger whom she did not know. And she admitted that aside from their acquaintance and the conversation that had followed, she did not know much about the male, and so her seemingly cold display would not be too far from the truth. She hoped, however, that the mahogany male would not look too unkindly on her for this single meeting which meant so little and so much, and that his female companion would not judge too harshly.

Both Sankor and Adelaida had spoken, and the black warrior was swift in her response. "I meant no harm in the asking," the alto melody stated gently. "Just standard procedure." An amicable smile flickered across her woad-bound maw—and was gone. "I do believe that hunting will be useful. Once you reach the proper rank, you will be permitted to choose a co-rank. Perhaps hunting will be on your mind then too." Dahlia de Mai was growing suddenly with recent times, and more hunters, she suspected, would be needed to sustain a larger pack. Officially, she believed, only Slay occupied any hunting rank. She herself had considered joining him, but when the position of Warrior had been presented to her, she could not resist. She had a passion for that sort of thing. "If you are willing to take up the responsibilities of the pack, Dahlia de Mai will not refuse you." For now, at least, the boarders were still open.

However before she made it official, she glanced at both wolves before her, the white orbs inquisitive and holding a little bit of her older self. "Will joining this pack truly make you happy?" She asked quietly? At first, she did not know why she had asked such a thing in the first place. Surely it was not her place to know. And yet, as she had said, the pack worked as a team, and they were only as strong as the weakest link. They had to want to be there—sincerely—to protect the pack even if not always associating oneself with members at all times. Even she lived a relatively solitary life within the packlands, but she was diligent in her patrolling. She was a good little soldier.


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