put your hurt on me - p savina
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Shall we wrap this up?

Savina just sat patiently, waiting for her words to reach through to her friend. Romantic love was something that some would argue she was still rather inexperienced in. However it was something that she had learned very quickly. That wasn't to say that she at all could even had an inkling on how much this was affecting her friend. That was something you couldn't know unless you had gone through it yourself (which she selfishly wished wouldn't happen until the end of Kansas' and her lives). But she would do whatever she could to help Geneva get through this.

"I know..." She nuzzled her nose against the side of her packmate's face. Suddenly an image of her mother flashed before her eyes. This must have been similar to what Amata felt after Serge had abandoned her. It was still a different situation, considering Serge had been alive and well, he had just decided he didn't want to anything to do with her or the lives they had created. She really couldn't imagine how her mother had done it. She had been so strong. It was a strength that Savina strived for.

For the first time in what seemed like a very long while, the fey let a small smile mold her lips. Geneva was right, they were quite the pair right now. Both feeling lost, both trying to make amends for the wrongs they had done, sitting here breaking down on her bed. Maybe that was what they both had needed though. "You're right. But...I think we'll both get through this. At least I hope so." Inky lids began to droop over her jeweled eyes. She'd been doing a lot of sleeping as of late. The fight had taken a lot out of her; emotionally, physically, and mentally. "I'm afraid sleep is calling to me again," she said as she stifled a yawn.


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