funny how these things come about
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She's totally a cougar. Rawr. Tongue

     She smiled at his words, amused in spite of herself. That much she owed to him, given that civil conversation was difficult to find in this place. Perhaps civil conversation was just hard to find because of how she was, but Aurèle could justify her actions until the end. Her near-neon green eyes darkened slightly, taking in the color around them, focusing on his dark form as she listened to his voice. It gave away his youth more then his build, which was surprisingly large (though in comparison, he was not much bigger then she was).
     Ma’am. Polite. Young. Level-headed. She marked these things down as she listened to him, studying a strange foreign specimen. “I don’t wait for it,” she said, though did not elaborate further. Turning her head over her shoulder, Aurèle eyed the stranger calmly. “You’re not from around here, are you, son?” That brat of a girl had asked her the same thing, she realized suddenly. Maybe they did stand out against the worn no-color of this forest.


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