You can aim all the spotlights
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So sorry for the wait on this hun, I was going to reply yesterday, but after I fell down the stairs I decided that it was just best to go to bed, it was the last straw in my bad day lol.

pushitinSoran smiled down at the pup, he was so like Conri when he was small, so inquisitive, so curious, it made her glad to see that the good traits that Haven's father carried had been passed on, she prayed that his bad ones had not. For it was clear that the bad traits that Conri had picked up had come from Hollow, from his own father, and they had lain dormant until her red son had attacked Naniko, she hoped beyond everything that the "evil" genes from Haven's granfather had not been dominant, that they had not been passed on to yet another generation. She couldn't bear the thought of her beautiful grandsons being warped by Hollow's deranged mind, his cruel streak, looking at the small red pup before her and thinking of his dark brother that looked so like her and Khaden, she could not see the capability for evil in them, she could not imagine them willfully hurting anyone, especially someone they cared about, then again she had never seen it in Conri either, she had been sure that he was pure and perfect and harmless. The dark grandmother could never protest Conri's innocence, there was too much proof of his crime, but she did defend the notion that there was still something good in him, something that was still wonderful, even if it now lay dormant. And she saw good in her grandchildren, and if Hollow's genes were indeed dormant and would try and take them one by one as they had their father and aunt, she would be here to defend them, defend them from their grandfather's insanity and cruel influence.

pushitinHaven asked a question, and Soran's stomach fell, she wondered what he had meant by this, why had Conri left? Or did he mean why did everyone need a father, she didn't really like the prospect of a biology lecture right now, no, that was Naniko's job, her burden, Soran had had to give "the talk" before and she didn't want to again, not to her grandson, especially whilst he was so young. The obsidian lady wracked her brains, trying to think of how to explain fathers without going into too much detail, she didn'y particularly fancy explaining "the birds and bees" to the young pup. She sighed, thinking of how to word what she was going to say, her brow furrowed slightly, she couldn't tell him the whole truth about any of it, he was too young to hear her about his father raping his mother, it would most likely scar him, and worse it would turn the small boy against his father before he had even had a chance to meet him and make his own decisions about the red male who had fathered him.
"Everyone has a father, it's just one of things sweetheart. I'm sorry that yours has not been around for you, he was... well he was ill... he became very ill and he had to go away for a while, he may come back one day, but he wont be allowed to walk around in these lands, when he was ill he upset a lot of people you see... he didn't mean to, but he did. I hope he gets better so that he can meet you one day.” Soran replied, trying to be as diplomatic as possible, being honest to some degree, and letting the red boy know that his father would not be allowed to come into these lands to be with him, there was no point in building up the boy's hopes of having a father in his life, just to be disappointed when he discovered that his father was not allowed to set a foot in the lands.
"Would you like to know anything about him Haven? Or me for that matter?" Soran asked, raising her head slightly, tilting it to one side to study the small boy, wondering what reaction she would get if she were to kiss him on the forehead like she had used to do with Conri.


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