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I am so sorry for the wait, my scarce notice turned into more of an absence one I will admit.

pushitinThe ebony grandmother was considering which way to go carefully, knowing that going one way would take her right past little Naniko's den, she would be able to pop her head in and say good morning to her almost-daughter and her grandchildren, two of whom she had not yet met and had been aching to. She leant one way and then the other, taking her paws off of the ground alternately, trying not to leave them still on the ground for too long, it was true that the ebony lady enjoyed the snow and that her soft fur was more than capable of keeping her warm, but it didn't stop her paws getting chilled when she left them pressed into the snow for too long. She continued to think, if she went past Naniko's den perhaps she could invite the pups out, maybe teach them to hunt as she had Conri, she would enjoy that greatly, she had been looking forwards to doing fun things with the pups, teaching them to read and hunt, and perhaps when they were old enough to shift, even to write. She adored this idea, the very thought of being able to pass on knowledge to her son's offspring, knowledge that she had selfishly never passed onto her younger pups, she wouldn't waste her time with these pups whilst they were small, she would spend as much time with them as she was able, she would teach them all she knew, the way she should have done for their aunt and uncle.

pushitinThe other way would be much easier, there was more plentiful hunting, fat little rabbits to catch, but still Soran prefered the idea of taking the pups hunting and there was only one way that she could do that, and it was to go past the den and suggest it. As the ebony lady mused over this a small squeaking bundle of fur raced past her at rapid speed, it broke her out of her thoughts and she turned her head rapidly to see what it was. It took her a moment to realise what, or more who, it was, she knew the small wolven form, though he had grown since she had first met him. The little black bundle was unmistakably Salem, the small black pup looked so much like Soran herself, and his uncle Khaden, who, the ebony fae realised with a pang of guilt and pain, he had never met, and who he may never meet. The obsidian fae turned quickly, following the small boy, her long strides helping her to catch up with him easily.
"Hello there Salem, what's the hurry?” She asked, her tone warm and affectionate, she couldn't help it, everytime she looked at her grandpups a little bubble of joy welled in her chest and made itself known by coming out in her voice, she adored them already.


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