Haunt Me Every Day
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v515/ ... annerr.jpg); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">
I <3 these two

He giggled, and began to jump along with her. It was such a change from how she had been outside! This was great! "Yahs? Da pack brings us foods too sometimes, but I'm getting close to bein' able to gets it on my owns. I almost had a rabbit da other day, but it got down a hole. I was sooooo close though!" Yes, the rabbit incident was still bothering him. But seriously! He had been that close! Stupid rabbits. "Is Gabriel an' Ezekiel your families?" It seemed like the logical conclusion to him. He lived with his family.

His tail wagged excitedly as she said she wanted to go find a bed. "Okays! This way!" Haven knew just the perfect place. It was a room no one lived in and the bed was right on the floor, so they could get on it easily. He nosed open the door and went straight for the bed, stumbling up on it. Then he proceeded to bounce up and down like they had been out there, but now he was bouncing even higher! "Comes on Siobhan!" He giggled happily.


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