Strange and beautiful
Flayra was surprised and a bit concerned when she got a reply. Busted was all she could think of. It wouldn't be from Haku or Cercelee she would get in trouble from, but the packland members instead. She just entered into the lands by mistake. She ended up on ice with her claws stuck into it to keep herself up straight. So, in the middle of the situation, she was stuck on ice. The only help she would get is from the creature that replyed back to her call. However, she still thought of the consequence from the wolf. She just hoped that this wolf was merciful at best to let the pup live. She was a Dahlia de Mai, but hopefully not for long.

Flayra lifted her head with her eyes looking from one place to another, seeing if she could find the creature that called out back. Though she regreted doing it, she said back, "I'm over here. Can you help me?" Flay took another look but still saw nothing. She wished that Neon was here with her. That way, he could have led her out of the forest and back into the Dahlia de Mai packlands, or would have went for help. Right now, all that the pup could do was wait for the wolf to come by.

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