Everything is going to be okay.

Jefferson provided the answer, and Adelaida balked internally at it. A bear could have killed her, and for the first time Adelaida considered that Luperci were not invincible. Certainly she was not, and though she had yet to admit it to anyone, not even out loud to herself, Adelaida was one of them, and she still was mortal, able to get hurt, able to die. Suddenly the thought of seeing Iskata scared her more than the idea of not seeing her. Jefferson had been right, she had no right to barge in and demand anything. Adelaida didn’t know what she was doing, but Jefferson did. Wait.. no.. you’re right. Let’s leave her be then. Seeing her and being turned away by Iskata herself would undo all the good work the lady had done before, Adelaida did not want to undo herself.

Adelaida was ready to turn and go, there was nothing left for her here and though she hadn’t seen Iskata, the trip had not been fruitless. She had met Jefferson, and he had sparked the tiniest fire in her, made her able to fight, if only for those few moments. Even if the fire had gone out now, it could be lit again, Adelaida was sure of that. At least she knew it was possible still, even with Alexey missing and Sankor living his own life. On a whim she turned back, mustering all the courage to ask more questions she knew it wasn’t her place to. How’d you get yours? Your scar I mean.


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