Who's this queen of stranger places

http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c13/v ... ablebg.jpg);background-repeat:no-repeat;background-position:top;">
Mew Sadira

Posted as the wrong character again Sad(
Word count: 574

Though Cwmfen proved to be from a wholly different culture, Mew was sort of the same herself. There was no real music culture amongst the wolves that lived here as far as she knew, only individuals who found the joy of playing with musical concepts. Thus, Mew's take on music was completely her own and not a result of any tradition. The musician of the pack was not bound by any old customs, nor was she required to tell stories of past heroes or any of the like. The pack was too young to have a proper storyline, but perhaps she should try this? It had never really occurred to her that she could, seeing as there wasn't much to tell. She could always write songs, but she doubted the quality of them, and also.. what should she write about? Sure, they had gone through a war, but there were hardly any heroic tales to tell of that. Or perhaps one; how they had managed to end it. But Mew wasn't entirely happy with that, so she quickly decided she should leave the subject alone altogether. Promptly, then, ignoring the line of thought, she focused on the words that Cwmfen spoke, nodding to her as she listened. There's not really a tradition of learning music here, I sort of just picked it up myself because I wanted to. I assumed the humans probably knew a lot about it, so I sought their knowledge on music. Flipping through the book with absent fingers as she spoke, Mew realized she hadn't really spoken to anyone about this before. Or a little, with Slay, but that night they had simply enjoyed the music and paid each other friendly company, until the storm subsided and the air was less hostile so they could return to their dens. It was some time ago, but it had been fun, especially with Slay singing along with his untrained voice. The results had been more than entertaining enough!

Flipping a page she put the book on the shelve again, having found a piece that she had practiced a little. The book was named "A classical piano collection for beginners" and suited her perfectly. It was so different to play from the guitar, and especially her left hand did not always do as she wished. The piece she'd shown the dark-furred girl was apparently written by some man named Beethoven, and was named "the Moonlight Sonata". She loved the full moon herself (what shifter didn't?), but she had no idea what a sonata was. She merely knew that it was - as far as she'd played around with it - a beautiful piece. Yeah sure! This one's apparently about the moon. The fingers of her right hand played a repetitive pattern which went through only minor changes along the way, but as the left hand also played different notes the result was a series of different sounds altogether, moving both rapidly and slowly at the same time, creating a blanket of tones that was pleasing to the ear. Dramatic turns in highpoints and chords in the melody tossed her emotions this way and that, and though she was eager to hear the rest, only halfway did she have to give up. That's as far as I've come in practicing the piece. She didn't want to say anything else. It would be up to Cwmfen to decide whether there was any quality to it.


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