and now my bitter hands shake beneath the clouds
Lime green eyes snapped to the form of a bipedal male. Her eyes washed over him, starting from the bottom before resting on his face. The details of his body were ten times more distracting than the new landscapes and scenery surrounding them. Strange, unfamiliar, everything about him screamed of an untold story. A history lay written across his body in the script of scars. Geneva couldn't even begin to guess his life story, except that it had been a hard one.

Her eyes lingered on his face, although she studiously avoided the single emerald eye that blazed at her framed by his formidable scowl. She wasn't here to pose a challenge, and she certainly wasn't a perceivable threat in the slightest. She was a small wolfess, having attained the majority of her growth at a time she had been particularly ill. She had always been thin, and she was undersized, full grown at the size of an adolescent wolf. She had met a coyote in Crimson Dreams, and they had been more or less the same build, although Geneva had been just a smidge taller.

The wolf before her bore a proud gait, although she expected that he wasn't at all conscious of it. He came on strong, but he seemed thin and looked rather worn. His energy was at odds with his damaged frame. She found that infinitely interesting. What could his story possibly be?

She let her hands arms hand loosely at her sides, one hand with fingers splayed loosely. Her tail lowered and her ears flicked black slightly. But this wasn't a show of being intimidated. Instead it was a show of submission as she made a choice to not mark herself as a threat to this male. But despite his request - no, his order - she stood her ground.

"Why?" The word came out soft as falling snow, with the gentle tone of hummingbird's wings. It wasn't a challenge, but something half way between a request and invitation.

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