You asked for it

Slaying the Dreamer ... ayeyes.jpg); background-position:top; background-repeat: no-repeat;">

OoC: Sorry for my absence! ;__;

"Well, that would be a good reason to grow hands," he murmured with a smile. That would be an amusing co-rank, no? Master Fisherman? He couldn't picture himself as a two-legger, though. Most of the luperci he'd seen had some differences in their markings when they shifted - extra colours, decorative tattoos, or even styled hair like the drawings of humans he'd seen. It was a rather fascinating sub-culture. How did human fisherman style themselves? Maybe someday, he thought bemusedly, when I'm definitely too old to have pups that will laugh at me.

Slay smiled up at Mew, his pale blue eyes meeting her brilliant green. He was quickly coming to realize that she was one of the sharpest, most clever wolves in their pack, with her ability to read human literature (and music!), coupled with her knowledge of their techniques. It was nice to have conversations like this, ones that weren't weighted in any way, ones without veiled threats or awkwardness. If Mew ever required his assistance, he would be willing to help her in whatever way he could -- even if she needed physical protection. That was one more wolf on the short list of those Slay would be willing to exert himself for...

"Oh yes, my marvelously musical Mew, I do appear stunningly handsome at all times, but my meagre beauty pales in comparison to your shining alabaster locks, your sparkling emerald gaze, the quintessential curves that make up your voluptuous form...! Truly, thou art a gift from the gods, crafted from the silvery clouds of heaven itself!"
He fluttered his eyelashes, enjoying the chance to show off his vocabulary. He hadn't invented such a cheesy compliment since his shameless flirting with Iskata, whom predictably he had not seen since. Those who weren't used to his quirky moods and mannerisms were often put off by the odd arctic wolf, although the members of his pack were surprisingly more forgiving towards his antics...

I've got soul but I'm not a soldier


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