Like a piece of the puzzle that falls into place
[html]Someone came into view, a clan member that she'd never seen before. Her first instinct was to turn away and find something else to do, but she didn't. She really wanted to know more about the house, to explore the inside. Maybe this one would let her in. Empusa hadn't learned how to shift, so she couldn't get the door open all by herself. She frowned, then slowly began coming out of the brush.

It was about that time that the coyote in front of her barked, and Empusa let out a little squeak, jumping in surprise. It wasn't often that people got her to jump, that she scared. Today was an odd day indeed.

The seven month old approached slowly from the side. Only here on her homelands was she not the top dog...this adult had rank over her. "Hello there--I'm sorry, but are you looking at ze house as vell?"[/html]

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