8:59 and theres a silent cry...

The street was too hard for her soft paws, and the wind too sharp for her bare back. She was used to the comfort of the wood, where her trees would break the wall of wind and keep her hidden from prying eyes. Instead she had chosen this place, to save her from the familiar. Dawn wasn’t to far off, or at least she hoped it would come soon. With the bones of the human’s city standing in her view, it was hard to tell. Instead she merely walked on, hoping to find what she was searching for.

A figure came into view, just another shadow among the bones. Blue eyes took a second look, but not quickly enough. He began to speak, his even voice cutting the wind and cold like a knife. It stopped her in her tracks, and the mere sight of him beaconed her forward. Knowing better then to trust just any yote scuttling across the sidewalk she stopped herself. Not in this city. And not in this type of night. She eyed him, sure he was nothing more, nothing better then all the other coyotes that hailed from Inferni, ready to purge the earth of all it’s innocents.

I figure you do. If he was here to hassle her he would have to work for it. She was once the type to give it when they wanted it, but now she had nothing to loose. Her crutch was gone, and it only made her stronger.


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