Leave Out All the Rest (AW)

Confusion hit Jazper hard as the boy started to shake and then continued to run around like a...well like a pup. All to suddenly the boy stopped and sat down waging tail. Raising the fur above his eyes questioningly he began to think this boy wasn't all there. the little one puffed out his chest and his exclimation almost caused the larger male to laugh, though it was obvious Simon was very serious. Jazper began to relax, still crounching down to be level with the small pup. Aparently, the boy and Mati were on good terms in thier games. Why was it every pup in Crimson Dreams was obsessive over the stories of knights and princesses? He was reminded of the time his father told him he was a knight by blood. Not just in last name but his family of fathers had decided long long ago to protect those that could not be protected. A true knight.

Simon stood and the Captian followed the boys lead, getting up form his crouching position to stand at his full height. It wasn't until after standing that he thought purhaps standing wasn't such a good idea, Simon looked so frigile and tiny at the 'Knight's' feet. Ears perked he listened to the Petty Officers proposal with interest. Thinking it over for a few seconds he decided it would be best for him to go along with Simon's idea to teach him properly. After all who better to train a knight then a knight in flesh? Nodding slowly, "I supose that would make you my Squire, Simon." Nodding he smiled as he sat down on the snow fully, tiered from the day already.


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