Like a piece of the puzzle that falls into place


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A slight rustling had sounded somewhere nearby, but Matrix had assumed it to be a squirrel or some other rodent. It wasn't until the squeak that she realised her error, and she calmly turned her head to look upon the younger girl. She offered an apologetic grimace for startling the other, then dipped her head in greeting. Once the coyote was close enough, she asked her about the house. She had a strange accent, but the hybrid could understand her well enough. It didn't seem like a childish accent, either--it sounded foreign. This intrigued her slightly, and she studied the other a little more closely.
"Yeah, I guess so. This is a common house of sorts?" She flicked an ear uselessly, then stretched a little before rising to all fours and sniffing around on the earthen path leading up to the main doorway. "I haven't really seen anybody in it, though," she said, with a slight frown. "It certainly seems a little different than the man-made houses everywhere else." That was one thing she noticed--this structure seemed newer, and possessed the clumsy charm of a building crafted without (m)any fancy tools or machines--much like her own shed.

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