chains that bind
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Catherine was napping lazily in a thick branch of a pine tree near the tribe's boundaries. Seymour was scouting nearby, so she didn't need to worry. He would come if there was anything. She trusted him enough for that. She was getting bored until Seymour lands on her shoulder, which was still luckly covered with the leather armor, and pushed some of her mane, waking her. He pointed to the ground near them, especially to a grayish blue male wolf trespassing the boarders.
She took the falcon off her shoulder, petting his head with one finger. "Good boy, Seymour. Now go down there and wait for me." she whispered to him, and launched him in the air and stared as the bird darted toward the ground like an arrow and slowly landed in a rock near the stranger wolf and the pine tree she was. While Seymour tryed to get the male's attention with a sharp, long and loud harsh. Jumping branch after branch like a monkey, she reached the ground in a few seconds, right in Seymour's side. She looked at the stranger with welcoming face and a warm smile. "Hello! My name is Catherine. Who are you?" she asked, her voice as warm as her face. Seymour climbed her arm to her shoulder covered with the leather and begun cleaing his feathers slowly, as his owner waited to the strangers answer.


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