you're yesterday's child to me
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He didn't know what else he was supposed to say to her. Things weren't going to be all right; he couldn't say that and mean. She wasn't going to bounce back from it. Her smile had changed completely, if it still even existed. Was it still in there somewhere? Hell, he didn't know. It was taking his all to not be so tired in trying. Jefferson was a fighter, wasn't he? He'd known fighting over persuasion and alliances for a majority of his life (or what he could remember of it, anyway), and now, he was almost helpless. What was he supposed to say? The creature was already flustered enough. That vulnerability, that flaw in his character had exploded out for her to see. He was... ashamed.

"Don't speak of this," he said gruffly, but a pause spanned thereafter. "But... I meant it what I said." (Sang.) "Nothing's going to happen if you don't make it happen or let it. Right now, you're doing neither." He frowned, eye pointing bitterly out the window. "I don't know what you're expecting out of the world right now," he said. Other than for it to feel bad for her, evidently.


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