pretty noose is pretty hate
Psh, they're both BAMFs.

He was too young and too ignorant to worry about adding respectful titles to names, and it didn't help that he was used to treating his alphas casually--the only two he'd known had been his own father and Naniko. And he certainly didn't have a strong enough backbone to call anyone on their rudeness. Then again, he hadn't been forced to deal with too many impolite wolves. Quiet, withdrawn ones, yes; but those individuals never seemed unkind. Perhaps if he was ever around when someone spoke badly to or about Savina, he might react in a harsher manner.

The two young men now knew one another. Kansas immediately assumed that he should have given his surname to this fellow after all, but his chance was gone. "You, too," he replied with a smile. Things seemed to be coming out well today. With Bane came a good distraction from his own obsessive thoughts. The two were in the same boat, more or less. The youth's pale fingers drifted to his right ear, and he ran his fingers along the smooth skin there. "Eh... I've been wanting to have a piercing here for a while. I... could do it by myself, but I'd probably do a poor job." Kansas did really poorly with needles, and his nerves would cause him to fuck it up, that was for sure. He shrugged. Getting a piercing wasn't on the top of his priority list, but it would be a nice sort of change.


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