I throw my toys around
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v515/ ... tomvi0.png); background-position:bottom; background-repeat:no-repeat;">

He could already feel his butt getting cold, even though he hadn't been sitting there for long. It was just always cold! While he had been moving it hadn't bothered him too bad. Now that he was stopped though, he could feel it seeping into his skin. The pup gave a shake. Just as much a shiver as he was trying to rid the nasty cold from him. Little black nose sniffed the air, seeing if he could maybe catch her scent at all. Unfortunately his nose was still mostly untrained, and the only thing he could pick up was the overpowering smell of the borders. It kinda stank. It didn't smell like the borders at home at all. He crinkled his nose. The more he smelled it the more unpleasant it became.

The pumpkin pup didn't even hear the other thing running towards him. At least not until it was too late. The sound of crunching snow made him turn his head just in time to see a big fluffy white thing bowl right into him. He fell onto his back. Had he just been attacked or something? Had he been too close to the borders and whoever was around was made because of it? When he opened his eyes he found himself staring into the red colored ones of the very person he'd been looking for!

"Ssssiiobhanns. Isss mms! Hhhvvnns!" he mumbled through his mouthful of teddy bear. Oh no! Haven hoped that the snow wasn't going to get the bear all wet! That's why he'd been so careful carrying it! He squirmed a little, trying to get up and save her gift from getting too soggy. "Iisss gnnnnaa ggtts wwwttss!" He couldn't let her present get ruined! No one wanted a ruined present! The boy wriggled some more, though was careful to make sure he wouldn't hurt her.


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