Don't wake me if I'm dreamin'
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Head nodded at the Commander's words. She was absolutely right. She certainly felt safe here, and she would make sure that she never gave any of her packmates reason to feel otherwise again. "You're absolutely right." Aside from being cooped up in the mansion after the fight, she also had been very vigilant at the borders. Had been ever since Conri. Even after he had come back that one time. Naniko still didn't know about that. She had many reasons for not telling her. She didn't want her friend to worry about it more than she most likely already did. Savina also hadn't been certain how she would react to such news.

Getting up she replaced the pliers back into their drawer and grabbed one of the bandages. She took her friend's hand and wrapped the cloth securely, but not too tightly, around it. That much at least she knew how to do. "Is that good? Do you need anything else?" It had swollen up a good deal. Hopefully it would be just fine. The Lt. General hadn't been closely tracking if the other members were fulfilling their duties. She had always been so concerned with doing everything that she could, she hadn't even thought about it. "You know, I'm not sure. I'm sure that Jazper has been. He's always such a great help. I think Geneva and Anu have been doing a good job. Everyone's been helping, but I haven't been keeping track of specific duties." Whups. She probably should have been. Being the subleader and all.


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