I sunk below where I swore I would never go
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As she continued to express everything that had happened, she began to feel the awkwardness melting between them. Never had she meant to hurt him. There was no denying that she had, but it had never been her intention. The gods knew she had beat herself up in her head about this all on multiple occasions. The only thing that had kept her half-way sane was the hope that he would be able to forgive her. She knew how much the thought of losing him frightened her, and she had made him come too close to that. She had come too close to making him lose her.

As Kansas touched her cheek one of her hands moved up to lightly rest on his, keeping his hand there. Her eyes closed, a few stray tears still leaking from them. "I-I know. And I'm so sorry for making you worry like that." Savina knew how awful she would have felt if it had been him. "The other day, I met a wolf who has a similar problem to me. He showed me how I could control it. This thing inside of me." She opened her eyes back up, looking at her love. "He told me to focus on a moment. The happiest I could think of, something that would ground me. What I thought of was you. When you asked me to be your mate. That was the best thing that's ever happened to me." The fey rubbed his cream cheek gently with her thumb. "I know how to stop it now. I will do everything I possibly can to keep something like this from happening again."

Gingerly she hooked her arms under his, running her fingers across his back as she pulled him close. She planted light kisses on his cheek. "Can you forgive me?" It may have been clear from what he had said, but she needed to be sure. She needed to know that they were okay. "I'll always come to you whenever I need you." The Italian girl moved her lips so they were right next to his ear. "And I'll always need you."


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