i got nobody on my side
-don't mind-

Zana had been watching from a small patch of reeds as the other female seemed to explode up and down the beach, her fast gait bringing her closer and closer to the small spot where Zana lay hidden. She was growing nervous as she watched the long legged lady at her insane exercises. The mind of the small girl had no idea what exactly was going on from the inside out, she could just see that the whole of the beach was being churned into a warzone and she the poor little refugee in the reeds was almost out of luck. A slight whimper escaped her lips as she watched the paws kicking up sand like the devil was on their heels.

Suddenly it all came to a screeching hault as a wave of sand came casting to the edge of her reed hideout. She crouched down lower, her lavender eyes wide as she caught the breathy words of the other Lykoi girl. She couldn't help the wail that escaped her lips as she exclaimed. "No go faster. Nooos!" If she went any faster then Zana was going to lose her nest of reeds and that would just be awful. She sniffled from her hiding place and tried to blend in with the sands and reedy nest once again. Why had she even spoke up..

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