i got nobody on my side

cakeEdit: Lol wrong account. :| -does not like this account linking thing-

i have come curiously close to the end.

cakePerhaps too accustomed to being alone, Talitha hadn't bothered to scout the area. She had simply assumed nobody else was around. Good enough for her, good enough for the rest of the damn world. Anywhere else in the universe and she would've been as twitchy as a squirrel on speed, but this was Inferni, why the hell should she be careful? This was why, when the child's banshee-wail broke the quiet the young lady was so used to, Tal jumped like she'd been prodded with a hot iron.

cake"Christ, kid!" Tal blurted out as soon as she caught sight of the child. Almost immediately after this registered, the world came into focus, a million things flooding into her head at once. The old ways came back to her, the vigilance and the wariness she had adopted while away, security systems wired into her brain to keep herself alive. She wasn't afraid, her senses were simply awake now. Moving forward, the hybrid with the dog's colouring peered over the reeds at the lavender-eyed child, leaning forward on her long coyote legs. "The hell're you doing in there?" She asked, her voice a mixture of disbelief and curiosity. This was someone she didn't recognise. Good thing it was just a kid. If it had been an adult, Tal might've bitten off their ears by now.


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