not your summer eve glow
Her emerald eyes watched him as he spoke, as he seemed to study her. She had no clue who this male was that was so interested in her but she wasn't pleased one bit. The cheerful disposition and the words he spoke made her wrinkle her nose as though there was an unpleasent smell in the air, the mere idea of how he was trying to assosicate himself with her, trying to place himself into her world was beyond her. She didn't know why they all seemed to want to do this, to find some connection, to find some belonging.. to believe she was something more, something good.

The woman wasn't a puppy anymore and she wasn't pleasant and sweet. She had a wicked temper and a mean tongue. The male had yet to be lashed by her words but if he kept it up she knew it would happen. Turning her nose up at the male she said as though bored. "Really, just because you knew Iskata doesn't mean you need to know me." She narrowed her eyes as she stated. "I'm not who you imagined now am I." There was a sick sweet pleasure in her voice, she knew that she couldn't be what he expected, she was something strange and new, a deadly hybrid of cunning, smarts, beauty and a savage wild nature. She was dark and dangerous.

She eyed the white male with one eye as she asked in a rather aloofed voice. "Why would you want to meet me anyways." She tilted her head to where she could take in the whole of the Phoenix Valley male as she continued. "Did you want to see if I could live up to mother?" the last word was said with scorn, as though she could care less if her mother now lead a pack and there was a devotion to her by the packmembers that Firefly herself couldn't understand. She never would have wanted to understand either, but that was a totally different matter there.

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