i got nobody on my side
-I've gotten lucky with it for the most part.. my only issue is my computer likes to fail from time to time and I never know if it posted my replies or not. x.x -

Zana had not been born a coward, the monster had made her one in a few fleeting seconds when her life had hung between death and the living. She was graced with life but she lived a shattered little existance inside her head where faces and names, places and morals were all bashed and beaten, rolled together and remolded into the strangest of things. The coward crouched down lower as the voice of the girl exclaimed so louded from above. She couldn't help but wimper again so pathedically as she lifted those orbs just a few notches to see if she was still alive or if she was about to be made supper. For some reason she always thought there was a chance she was next up for dinner, being so small and round probably had everything to do with it, but she could never be so certain.

When the lady seemed to be looming overhead, her shadow falling into the reedbed Zana lifted her little nose as said softly. "I is hiding." She had been hiding from the mad lady who now towered above her with more authority than the poor little one would ever have. Anyone who stood taller than Zana was in charge, her hardwiring had enforced that over and over again and here was another perfect example.

Blinking up at the woman Zana asked softly. "Yous notta monstwer are yous?" She had no clue of the monster that had ruined the older Lykoi's mental stablity but Zana had to be certain that she wasn't dealing with another one. She had barely escaped from the first, to be thrust into the open jaws of another would be the end of the girl.

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