does it make you happy you're so strange?

So far, she liked Tayui's pups. They were too small to really be much of a burden to her personally...but she was sure that they would grow up soon enough. And Ember would teach them how to be good wolves--good hunters and warriors. She didn't mind letting the others teach them the more fluffy side of life, about licking and cuddling and such...she would take care of their more primal sides.

"Ah...yes, he is. He came to the meeting right before the pack was formed. Me and Tay' were glad to see im'; I hadn't heard anything from him in a while." She wasn't sure what to make of Savina's expression, if she was happy about Pilot being there or not. Oh well. "He's doing fine. Looks healthy to me, if that's what ya mean."

She grinned at the other when she talked about the gifts. Savina looked really happy, and that meant that Kansas had to be pretty happy too. Which, in turn, made Ember happy. She liked to know that her littermate was getting along alright in Crimson Dreams. "I'll definitely come by! I'll bring a present, too. Something...useful. " She nodded. "Oh...and AniWaya? It's a great place to live. No one really cares where I go, and I can prowl around the borders as much as I want. I'm also looking for a weapon...they really encourage bettering yourself here in weapons, or medicine, or something."


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